Drum Roll Please...... Introducing


I wanted to the a real quick sec and introduce my roommates and then like my other three friends. I figure I will write about them quite a bit and thought it would be nice to put a name to the face for people back home.

Abby and I sleep in the same room. We don't open our windows because we are always a mess. Abby is the funniest drunk I have ever met. She is a CAPITAL LETTERS PERSON when she is passionate about it. She requires constant validation, but who doesn't. 

Nicole....facinates me. She asked if her picture could be her in a wedding dress. She has a very regular bathroom schedule and talks openly about the bathroom. She was the first one to score a tally in our apartment and you know Nicole loves you if she roasts you endlessly. She reads and if she doesn't read enough she gets cranky. 

Lauren is the type of person who radiates kindness. Her love language gift giving. She bakes when she is sad, and her banana bread is amazing and her cookies are to die for! Lauren lives a very simple life and I am often very jealous of her simple life.

We call bean our mom because she is a sophomore and has smart advice. She gives great hugs and leaves us cute notes. She runs a haunted house. If your in Utah check it out www.thehauntutah.com (Bean was also very busy working on the Haunt so I didn't get to take her picture)

David is like our family pet. He lives next door and often gets trapped in our apartment. He comes over for just a minute.... and he stays for hours. We keep him around because he does things us short girls can't, like open the top cupboards and stuff. He is part Spanish and spends his summers in Spain.

Allison is from Canada. That is all.

Allison makes me smile endlessly and you can hear her voice from down the hall. People tend to gravitate towards Allison's voice. She likes to tell people they don't have tortillas in Canada, SHE IS LYING. They definitely have tortillas in Canada. Allison also lives two apartments over.

Cami is a theatre kid too! She is studying theatre education. She is super sweet, she lent me a sweater the first night we met. She is from Louisiana and is a cute little southern girl. She is the only one who would come pick me up from the doctor when I sprained my ankle and couldn't walk. She is the true MVP. 
